Unit Executive Committee
The administrative affairs of this Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary shall, except as may be otherwise provided by the By-Laws, be under the supervision of an Executive Committee which shall consist of three members in addition to the officers of the Unit and the immediate Past President of the Unit. The term of office of members of the Executive Committee shall be for one year, unless otherwise stated.
2021 Membership Year
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Donna Doyker, Immediate Past President & Treasurer | lizack2000@cox.net | |
Sherrie Robinson, President | 860-837-4451 | slokraska@hotmail.com |
Janice Benoit, Secretary | Janbenoit51@gmail.com | |
Wendy Tarbox, Jr. Vice President | Wendy.tarbox@ipaper.com | |
Sheila Okraska, Chaplain | SJOkraska@live.com | |
Kathy Dwight, Sergeant-At-Arms | kdwight561@gmail.com | |
Executive Committee Person - Velma Hoffman | ||
Executive Committee Person - Alise Estell | alise9@cox.net | |
Executive Committee Person - Gloria Robinson | - |
Unit Executive Committee